Gmünder Str. 79
73614 Schorndorf
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Responsible for content according to § 18 MStV: Capsule CXO Company
Legal notice:
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform it operates. You can find the platform under Link to the European Commission platform .
We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in a dispute resolution procedure before a consumer arbitration board.
Despite careful control of content, Capsule CXO Company assumes no liability for the content of external links. The operators are solely responsible for the content of the linked pages.
No warning without previous contact
If the content or design of these pages violates the rights of third parties or legal provisions, we ask that you send us a message free of charge to:
Capsule CXO Company
Gmünder Str. 79
73614 Schorndorf
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The removal of any possible infringement of intellectual property rights by the owner of the intellectual property rights may not take place without the consent of Capsule CXO Company.
We assure you that any passages that are rightly objected to will be removed immediately . It is not necessary to involve legal counsel.
Costs incurred without prior contact will be reimbursed in full. The option of counterclaiming due to violation of the aforementioned provisions remains reserved.